

 It is time to say goodbye. I am all caught up with my course projects so I won't be posting any of them anymore. However, maybe I will keep posting about different subjects :) I'd like to tell you a little bit about my course and my thoughts about it.  I think it helped me in a very big scale, in so many aspects of my life. To be honest, I didn't expect it to be this much beneficial in so many ways. I even referred to some of my projects in an interview and my interviewer was very pleased to hear those examples from me. I did more than just material designing, I learned so many different kinds of tools and methods that I can use. Also, feedback sessions that we did during the term were really helpful in terms of seeing what is right and what is wrong or what are some other options I can use.  I would recommend making this lesson into a 2 part course because I think there are still so many other things we can learn and benefit from. So, extending the course time would defin


 Hello everyone ! I'm sorry to inform you that I will be writing about my latest project for the last time. You can see the link to our project below. Our last task was about creating a webquest regarding a project that our students are required to do.We chose the subject "how to save our nature" and asked our students to create a digital poster. I think trying to think about how to integrate technology into the coursebook we are supposed to use is a great way to keep up with the 21st century learning styles.  I enjoyed the main purpose of the project as it is important to guide students as much as possible in terms of their process of preparing a project but the sites that are out there for us to create webquests are so outdated. We had a hard time working simultaneously and also, they were really slow. I hope they will get better in the near future. Here is the link to our WEBQUEST :) Here are the links to my group friends' blogs : Ömer Arda Özdinçer Orçun Özcan


Hello everyone ! In this post, I will tell you all about something very cool! I prepared a handout which is integrated with Augmented Reality for language learners with my group friends. We were unable to use a real AR application because of some technical issues so we used qr codes instead. I hope that technology will keep up with this awesome opportunity. About our task, we decided to provide students with some of the most famous landmarks, museums and events of the New York City. QR codes were easy to implement so they worked perfectly. We had a hard time finding 360 videos including some information about the places but with some research, we were able to install great videos! You can see how it works below in our informational video. I think once there are more applications available online, these kinds of activities will become so much more beneficial and fun. For the time being, here is our HANDOUT for language learners. OUR INFORMATIONAL VIDEO ABOUT THE TASK And here are


  Hello everyone ! In this post, I will write about my flipped classroom grammar teaching video task. You can see the video we created at the end of the post. I worked with my group friends Orçun Özcan and Ömer Arda Özdinçer. We were familiar with creating such videos so, we basicly came up with a structure for our video and shared the work equally. We didn’t have any problems with that because the site we used which is “ ”   allowed us to work simultaneously. It gave us the opportunity to record our voices teaching the topic and provide students with related tables and images. Also, we used the site to create an exercise to check the understanding at the end of the flipped lesson video. Here are the links to my group friends’ blogs: Ömer Arda Özdinçer - Orçun Özcan - And here is our flipped classroom grammar teaching video 😊


     Hello everyone ! In this post , I will tell you all about my latest creation . I prepared a flipped vocabulary teaching video with my group friends and you can see it at the and of this post . We were asked to choose 10 words from a unit within the given coursebook and create such a video for teaching those words . Also , at the end of the video , you can see the matching game we created for checking the understanding of the students 😊       I think creating these kinds of flipped classroom videos are so helpful for us in terms of having some experiences in this approach . Also , in terms of implementing this approach to an English classroom , it would be so much beneficial for students because a language can be learned through interaction and exposure of the target language . However , with limited classroom time , teachers don’t have the time for such activities . In this sense , there comes the flipped classroom approach . It allows teachers to make the most out of their valua

Language Awareness Tasks

     Hello Everyone !      In this post, I will talk about my newest material design for language learners. Also, you can see my creation through the link I provided at the end 😊      Me and my group friends designed a language awareness task based on corpus use. In this task, we provided students with data examples for the given topic by using the website “Skell”. This corpus provides a range of beneficial data in terms of language learning and on the basis of this corpus, the tasks we designed for students allows them to explore the data themselves. I think this is an important point in the sense of allowing students to be engaged with the data and technological usage themselves. They are able to discover the necessary rules with these language awareness tasks.      Also, I’d like to thank my group friends Ömer Arda Özdinçer and Orçun Özcan. Here are the links to their blogs if you want to check out: And thi


 Hello again everyone ! I am back to keep blogging after a while. This time, I will be posting about my new course which is Material Design in Language Teaching. This course is going to be about developing material designs using different technological tools and I am really excited about it :) I will be sharing my own designs for language learners here with you.  Hope you'll enjoy reading about them and looking into what I created !