Hello everyone !

    This is my final post for my course. I would like to share my thoughts and experiences with you :)

    Before I took this course, I was already in the opinion that technology has a lot to offer to English language teaching. I thought that since it is a widely used language, internet can provide a range of benefical information and exercises to the learners. I remain feeling the same way about these helps that the internet provides. However, after taking this course, I come to realize that there are so many different options that technology has to offer other than just the common information that takes place in the internet. For example, students of the English classes can use their creativity through a range of fun and informative tools. So, in this sense, this course contributed a lot to my technology integration in ELT.

    When I have a look at all the tasks I have completed, I think I enjoyed designing a magazine cover the most. Because, I think it was the task where I used my creativity the most. I think being able to add your own characteristic properties to the project you are working on is an important impact on one’s enthusiasm for the assignment. I can not choose a task that I did not enjoy but maybe I can say that the first part of creating a blog was less enjoyable than others because I did not feel like I was producing something new.

    A suggestion that I would like to mention for the improvement of this course is that I think adding more group works can be useful for us students.

    Goodbye for now, it was a lovely journey !


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